
So, What is Tibetan Yoga?

HHDL Temple Trul Khor

So just what is Tibetan Yoga, or Tsa Lung Trul Khor? Is it just a fancy name for yoga, the practice of movement and breath that you can find in studios and gyms all across the world? Or, is it something different? And, what on earth makes the movements “magical”?

If you look at the image above, you can see that it is definitely something different. The movements don’t look much at all like hatha, vinyasa, ashtanga or kundalini yoga. Not only does it look different, but the breath used in the move…

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Welcome to the New Site!


Welcome to Tibetan Yoga! It’s been a long journey to this moment, and a goal of many years. For those of you who have been waiting as long as three years for this site to go live, thank you for your patience. I had not realized how much I would have to learn to make this happen! It’s a one person show behind the scenes. Besides the practices themselves, there is the videography and editing, making the courses, the website, email list management, photography and much more. But today, mi casa es s…

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