
Dzogchenpa - Not Dzogchen

Longchenpa Thanka

Note: This is the first of a two part blog, and probably the most abstract piece that I will ever publish on this website. This post describes Dzogchen meditation and what can go wrong for us practitioners if we are not very, very careful. The second part will turn over to why practices like Tibetan yoga are so powerful and can clear the obstacles from self-recognition of our basic nature and why for most of us it is not enough to “leave it as it is”.

It is amazing how things change! In ancient t…

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The Mandala of the Victorious Body

Bon Body Mandala 2

Trul Khor, Tibetan Yoga, is a journey from the manifest to the unmanifest, from the gross to the subtle. With it we start with the physical body, with purifying movements for the parts of the body. And then we move more and more inward, into the great subtleties of our awareness.

But before we start the movements we connect to ourselves, to our teachers, to the enlightened beings of this world system. We find refuge.

In the Bön tradition, as in many spiritual traditions, refuge is a concept of g…

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The Magical Power of Enhancing Positive Qualities

The lotus flower is a classic symbol of buddhanature or enlightenment. It rises up from the mud of the earth, always clean and pure. Water and mud just roll off of the petals.

We humans are at our deepest level just like the lotus. Our inner nature, our natural state, is never impure. It always shines. But for most of us and most of the time, we are not aware of that nature. Because of our lack of recognition we seem to be quite a bit different from the lotus flower! Not only do things not roll o…

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The Magical Power to Clear Obstacles


There are sets of movements within Tibetan Yoga known as geksel, movements or sequences of movements intended to remove specific obstacles. “Gek” is an “obstacle” or “affliction.” Gek is a great word, it rhymes with “blech!” and really sounds like what it is. If gek were an emoji it would be 😖 or 😞. Obstacles can be anything that obscures, limits or blocks the natural radiance of our innate awareness and its expression through the vehicles of our body, our speech and ouxr thoughts. Gek is like s…

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So, What is Tibetan Yoga?

HHDL Temple Trul Khor

So just what is Tibetan Yoga, or Tsa Lung Trul Khor? Is it just a fancy name for yoga, the practice of movement and breath that you can find in studios and gyms all across the world? Or, is it something different? And, what on earth makes the movements “magical”?

If you look at the image above, you can see that it is definitely something different. The movements don’t look much at all like hatha, vinyasa, ashtanga or kundalini yoga. Not only does it look different, but the breath used in the move…

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Welcome to the New Site!


Welcome to Tibetan Yoga! It’s been a long journey to this moment, and a goal of many years. For those of you who have been waiting as long as three years for this site to go live, thank you for your patience. I had not realized how much I would have to learn to make this happen! It’s a one person show behind the scenes. Besides the practices themselves, there is the videography and editing, making the courses, the website, email list management, photography and much more. But today, mi casa es s…

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