Note: This is the first of a two part blog, and probably the most abstract piece that I will ever publish on this website. This post describes Dzogche…
Trul Khor, Tibetan Yoga, is a journey from the manifest to the unmanifest, from the gross to the subtle. With it we start with the physical body, with…
The lotus flower is a classic symbol of buddhanature or enlightenment. It rises up from the mud of the earth, always clean and pure. Water and mud jus…
There are sets of movements within Tibetan Yoga known as geksel, movements or sequences of movements intended to remove specific obstacles. “Gek” is a…
So just what is Tibetan Yoga, or Tsa Lung Trul Khor? Is it just a fancy name for yoga, the practice of movement and breath that you can find in studio…
Welcome to Tibetan Yoga! It’s been a long journey to this moment, and a goal of many years. For those of you who have been waiting as long as three ye…